A BPT-review in the well known German “Studio-Magazin” for industry professionals –
“Ein aussergewoehnliches Mikrophonkonzept” “fuer eine neue Dimension der Stereo- und Surround-Aufnahme. (Studio-Magazin 03/2017)
Das BPT zeichnet sich durch ein besonders geringes Eigenrauschen von 7dB aus, kann hohe Schalldruckpegel bis zu 142dB verarbeiten und empfiehlt sich nicht nur aus diesem Grund nach meiner unmassgeblichen Einschaetzung fuer eine neue Dimension der Stereo- und Surround-Aufnahme. Das Nevaton BPT erzeugt, wie ein Test in meinem eigenen Studio bewies, ein sehr ueberzeugendes Stereo- oder Surround-Image mit, besonders bei tiefen Frequenzen, stark dekorrelierenden Signalen des Achterkreuzes. Durch das Hinzufuegen einer dritten Kapsel fuer den Center-Kanal kann der Tonmeister nach Geschmack so viel “Mitten-Fokus” wie noetig bei seinen Aufnahmen bilden. (Studio-Magazin 03/2017)
Multiple award winning music producer and sound-engineer Michael Seberich (Bozen/Italy)
Michael Seberich has worked for DECCA, DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON, EMI, RCA, SONY and many other record labels and is one of the first excited owners of the Nevaton BPT microphone. He appreciates the new possibilities which the BPT offers – But read it in his own words:
For me the Nevaton BPT is a very creative tool which has completely convinced me with its sonic capabilities and therefore is being used on most of my recording sessions.
The Nevaton BPT sounds very neutral and – with its new approach in recording – has been a very welcome addition to my usual set of sound recording techniques. For example for soloist recording, I like very much the concept of having a mono-microphone and a coincident stereo-system at the same time, which provide signals completely in phase, adding a great deal in terms of flexibility when it comes to mix down.
I usually use the center-capsule of the Nevaton BPT set to cardioid in combination with the classical Blumlein-pair of crossed figure-of-eights. It provides a coherent and stable stereo image which is very much in favour for singers, for example – but not only – as also the musical ensemble recordings I have used it for have profited very much.
What I like about the BPT is the density in terms of sound-energy it is able to deliver, while at the same time providing an intimate sound.
The BPT has become a very intuitive element in my work which inspires me to create new layouts in terms of recording technique and can add so much to the overall sonic picture of a recording
Recording sessions with the Nevaton BPT. Photos by Michael Seberich
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