Nevaton offers currently four different preamplifier types (select preamps in the dropdown menu to see details)
- MC59 – features an integrated 3-pin XLR-type connector on the microphone-body.
- MC59-E – features an integrated 3-pin XLR-type connector on the microphone body. It additionally offers a − 10 dB attenuation switch and a switchable low cut filter at 100Hz with a slope of -6dB per octave.
- MC59S – extremely small, compact and lightweight, with a deducted connector – 3-pin XLR-type on a cable
- MC59S-E – exceptionally small, compact and lightweight, featuring a 3-pin XLR-type connector on a cable. It additionally offers a -10 dB attenuation switch along with a switchable low cut at 100Hz (-6dB/Oct)
Standout features of MC59 series preamplifiers:
- Extremely linear A-class amplifier (up to 1 MHz)
- Extremely low self noise of 5-6dBA (depending on the capsule)
- Advanced RFI filter against interference from external sources (radio transmissions, wireless devices, etc)
- Low output impedance allows cable lengths of up to 400m without audible signal degradation
- MC59S/S-E – specifically designed mounting holes on the back of the microphone to significantly improve installation flexibility
- very durable paint finish
Note: The standard cable length of the MC59S & MC59S-E is 1.5 meter. Custom cable lengths are possible (up to 10m without extra costs)